So, our hospital kept mentioning about a diabetes camp. There are several around and the hospital along with at that time it was Juvenile Diabetes Canada offers 2 weeks away for the kids to be kids. I was a single mom and couldn’t really afford it. Apparently with a small Continue Reading
Give Yourself a Break
This disease is not just my son’s disease…it becomes a familiar disease. I tried to assure my son he would never be alone in this disease. I assured him I would be by his side the entire time. Through all the tests and appointments. There were days in the first Continue Reading
Highest # of Type 1 diabetes in the world
So in my quest to get answers in a place that only brought up more questions every single day…I remembered being to a ‘Finn Fest’ in Toronto long before my son was ever diagnosed. ‘Finn Fest’ is a celebrations of people of Finnish decent happening once a year all over Continue Reading
Sights and sounds and stuffed animals
There is something wonderful about a children’s hospital. We all pray we will never have to use one but they know about kids! We got to the hospital and were awaiting our turn in the packed emerg at the Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto, Ontario. I wasn’t quite sure Continue Reading
I cried for a year
It took well over a year to get through this diagnosis and the isolation and depression that came with it all. My emotions were all over. First and fore most blaming myself for this disease when there is no known cause. There are facts of Finland having the largest population Continue Reading