Give Yourself a Break

This disease is not just my son’s disease…it becomes a familiar disease. I tried to assure my son he would never be alone in this disease. I assured him I would be by his side the entire time. Through all the tests and appointments.

There were days in the first year that I cried every single day. There were long nights. There were worries and real fears that would constantly come up. There were illnesses and accidents…and you just get through them all. You will drive yourself absolutely crazy looking for a reason why your kid got diabetes in the first place.

If I could give myself some advice then from what I know now. Give yourself a break! This is not your fault! It will all turnout for the better. He will grow up and be fine! You can do this.

Take some well deserved time to yourself. Take care of you! Afterall, you have to be strong and well for your child. Remember to have fun! We are only young once…you don’t want this to consume your life as well.

…and for God sake remember your other child(ren). Make sure to include them in events and times that are familiar and not all about the disease.

You are stronger than you can ever imagine.

And you are never alone!

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